Theme - defined as...wait...you don't need me to define what a theme IS ... but a theme needs to be defined in a screenplay.
I recently got some excellent notes on my screenplay UNDEAD BEFORE SUNRISE and one of the notes that really stood out to me was Theme - weak.
That's where I'm putting my first revision focus; the theme.
What's the theme of UBS?
It's conformity vs free will. Further defined, which is better? To conform or have free will. One is order. One is chaos. One cannot survive without the other. Order stagnates without chaos. Chaos provides no structure and ends in a mess. So, what is the answer? And that's what this story is trying to answer.
In reality, a balance, a give and take of both conforming to societal rules whilst exercising the freedom to be an individual is what is desirable and needed. Sometimes we conform more than we freestyle and sometimes the opposite.
In the context of this script, Sam is the one deciding which is better and how best to live her life. Does she conform to her grandmother's ways or does live her life flitting from situation to situation?
Rex, our antagonist, comes down firmly on the side of conformity, with him at the controls. He even exerts control over his cohort, Kat, knowing that she is truly more of a follower than a leader. She is a means to an end. He, ultimately, will rule over everyone.
Billy is our stakes character; he is proof that conformity means stability. But does it? He is unhappy with his life. He carries barely suppressed anger with him in his every day life.
Kevin is our observer. He follows and watches, and in his own way, has found the secret to balance; conform just enough to allow brief flashes of free will. He is also the one that shows consequences. He conforms and there is stagnation. He uses free will and there is chaos.
Pete is our catalyst. Pete has lost some of his free will, but continues to exert conformity on his employees. Pete is the true secret meaning of this story.
Through their journey, Samantha finds her answer, but how much good does it do her?
Stay tuned to find out.