Movies aren't just about the eye candy (yes, I like attractive men in sue me) of actors, special effects or great scenery. They always start with the story and that's what screenwriters do, create stories.
I have many favourite films but the ones I love the best have the stories that both entertain, illuminate/educate, or evoke an emotional response. Thus, here is a list of some, but not all, of my favourite stories.
In no particular order...
A Knight's Tale - brilliant retelling of part of Chaucer's writings with a great cast and a story that evokes emotion and entertains. The story of one man trying "change his stars" resonates with me on so many levels. I clearly identify with William and his friends, so aptly portrayed by the late and great Heath Ledger, Alan Tudyk, Mark Addy, Paul Bettany (as Chaucer himself), Shoshana Lowenstein, Laura Fraser, James Purefoy and of course the darling Rufus Sewell. I too wish to change my stars and this beautifully written tale of love, loyalty and friendship gets me every time.
Raiders of the Lost Ark - perfect script by Lawrence Kasdan that takes us on a roller coaster ride of thrills and chills. The visuals in the script were so perfectly executed by Speilberg and his crew, with Ford at his best and a supporting cast that couldn't be beat. Karen Allen most notable for me as she portrayed only one of a handful of strong female characters I could identify with; Marion Ravenwood kicked ass. I walked out of this movie the first time feeling full of joy and excitement. This is the film that made me want to make movies.
The Color Purple - adapted from the brilliant Alice Walker novel, this film was so beautifully done by Menno Meyjes in that it truly captured the story of Celie. This is the first movie that ever made me cry in public and it wasn't just the brilliant cast, but the story itself. It made me go and read the book, where I discovered that the screenplay was a perfect distillation of a brilliant book. So many emotions are covered in this story; fear, love, joy, hate, passion, and more.
These are just three of my favourite movies, with stories that can be uplifting even as they portray sorrow. Succinct representations of the human condition, but done is such a way as to be real and alive.
This is what I aspire to as a writer; this is who I want to be.
Remember, every movie starts with a story and the screenwriter who probably slaved away alone for months getting it just right.