Good morning followers!
As of typing this sentence, I have 142 of you following me.
So, I wanted to say thanks.
Thanks for liking my posts and opinions.
Thanks for reading my blog, all of it.
Thanks for joining me on my journey to becoming a published/working screenwriter.
It really means a lot to know that I'm not just wailing into the void.
I'm a writer, a communicator and knowing that I am able to reach even one person means something.
What's even bigger is that I'm now connected with 142 others who like what I've said and want to hear more.
I hope you stay with me as I continue my journey.
At last count I have 1 completed sci fi/action script, 2 more sci fi/action outlines. I have 1 completed horror/comedy, with 1 more completed outline.
I have first drafts of a rom/com, and outlines for thrillers, horror and straight comedy.
I'm building a portfolio of like to like work and will be posting on Script Revolution, as well as on Coverfly for P2P reviews.
I will try to update my website, other than my blog, but that requires more work than I have time for.
I will continue to blog and keep faith with you for all your support.
Thanks folks, and thanks for passing the word about me.
You rock and I won't forget that!