So.....writer's block. What is that, you ask? Well, it's frustration and unspent creativity and a lot of words I just can't find right now, because ... writer's block.
What had happened was...
I've been working on the next project, after finishing rewrites to UNDEAD BEFORE SUNRISE and KEY TO PARADISE, and had a little trouble deciding. So, asked Curly, who understands marketing and target audience and demographics in ways most others don't, and she said EAT AT JOE'S.
Now Joe's has been problematic for a while now. I had a great idea but I didn't know where to take it. It didn't have a hook.. It was muddled and directionless and then it got too cluttered with too many characters and situations. It was a mess. So, talking with Curly, her twisted little mind came up with the plot bunny that saved it.
We played what if situation A happened to save the diner? (not going to reveal it here, I don't trust anyone lol)
And I made some notes, then had a long long long convo with Red about how to make it work and after about an hour, we came up with a new direction for the script. And it's fab!
Problem is, I can't get it out of my head and on to the page. Hence, the writer's block. now the story is stuck and it keeps building up at the front of my brain (where I imagine the words actually spring forth and come out of my fingers into Word) I have about half the outline done. HALF!!!
So today, I have to make myself muddle through and get the rest of it out. At least if it's out I can work through it with Red and Curly to make it work.
So, that's how I deal with writer's block. Punch through until it's out and if things get bloody in the interim, well, it's a small price to pay.
That's the first half of this blogging double header. Stand by for the rest.