I've been pondering....
....about doing a documentary.
Now, I'm primarily a fiction writer. I create worlds and stories within those worlds. I don't normally feel that I have any "real life" story to tell.
But recently, I've realized that I have some beliefs that many don't hold. Well, these aren't recent beliefs, but a realization that I'm not willing to hide those beliefs anymore.
The explanation for all this is, I don't believe in religion, but I do have faith. Okay, so before you tune out, let me give you this.
Since I was nine years old and found out about The Force (thank you Star Wars) I have wondered about different religions. I have struggled to understand faith my whole life. I believe the universe is made of energy and that's about it.
Everything else is a human construct.
That said, I have searched for a belief system that most closely resembles my theories on Life, the Universe and Everything.
Spirituality seems the closest, and by spirituality I mean tarot cards, crystals, reiki, mediumship, all that jazz that can mostly be called mysticism.
Nothing wrong with it but it is fascinating.
That brings me to the non-fiction idea I have.
I want to do a documentary about spiritualism. It's a topic close to my heart and one that I have engaged in searching for my whole life.
Not even sure how to go about "writing" a documentary.
I have sources for interviews and lots of information, but no starting point.
I think this might be something that many could be fascinated by, as I myself am fascinated.
So, consider this, a film about faith and spirit.
What do you think?
Ponder your reality as you do.