So, lately, I've been trying to figure out how to build an audience. Today's indie filmmakers need to build "brand" recognition just to survive.
I've discovered that it's easier said than done and intentions don't get results.
What do I mean? Well...
My INTENTION is to bring in fans of my own, fans who like my stories and would like to support my journey in becoming a filmmaker. I truly believe that an indie filmmaker can make commercial, widely seen fiilms, and not have to stick to arthouse fare. Nothing wrong with arthouse fare, but that won't pay the bills.
Not everyone, especially as a Canadian with a strange satellite film industry (satellite of the US/Hollywood industry, where it's like we're the farm team and they're the big leagues, which is strange because every other country in the world seems to have their own self sustaining film industry and ours seems to exist to feed Hollywood), wants or can make art films. They have their place and their own entertainment value. But, sometimes, a movie is just a movie.
Don't get me wrong, I have screenplays and screenplay ideas that I would happily sell to Hollywood, but only to finance my own films and build my own brand here in Canada.
Why can't I up the ante at home? Why can't I strive to build a cottage industry that won't rival the Hollywood machine, but can assert my independence as a story teller, without having to sell out.
I never said I wanted to be famous, maybe infamous *LOL* or even rich. I don't even care about an Oscar. I just want to make movies in my own country, support myself and entertain people.
Is that so strange or wrong? I don't think so.
So, back to building brand. How does one go about that?
I've watched a few YouTube videos, as YouTube seems to be the place to get attention and fans. I think I get what I need to do. But there's a catch, as always.
Money. I have none. My only equipment is my cell phone and my computer.
I'm trying to figure out how to use them to make YouTube videos that will get attention. I have some ideas. Execution is the key.
I'll figure it out. I always do, with the help of Curley and Red, my trusty living muses, and of course Alexander, my gold lame wearing imaginary muse.
Until then, I'll keep working on rewrites of UNDEAD BEFORE SUNRISE and THE PERFECT WOMAN and so many more.
If I can sell one of my scripts, then money won't be an issue. I'm trying.
I keep chipping away at the wall that surrounds the establishment. Chip, chip, chip!
Until then...keep checking in with me. And I take suggestions!