So, it's Father's Day, and sadly I am without my dad. He passed in 2011, quite suddenly actually and I miss him every day. One of the things I miss the most is watching movies with him. It was always an adventure.
These are pictures of my dad, the B&W is from England (I think) where he lived for the first 26 years of his life. The colour is from the last few years of his life. Handsome devil, wasn't he?
Anyway, he loved movies, and watching a movie with him was always a good time. He loved spy movies (all the Bond's, but Roger Moore was his favourite), dramas, comedies (and even some silly ones like the British Carry On pictures, ugh), even musicals (at least some of them).
And there was always discussion afterwards, depending on the kind of film and the actors involved.
He had his favourite actors, loved Colin Firth, Emma Thompson, Roger Moore, Cary Grant, and even some more modern ones such as Richard Gere, Paul Bettany, Catherine Zeta Jones and so on. He even started out hating certain actors and then liking them after he saw them in something more substantial, like Julia Roberts after he saw her in Erin Brokovich. He loved movies old and new.
I can remember after we watched A KNIGHT'S TALE, about how much he loved that film and the cast and the story. He even enjoyed LORD OF THE RINGS: THE FELLOWSHIP OF THE RING and HARRY POTTER AND THE SOCERER'S STONE, though fantasy wasn't his thing.
He especially loved sci fi movies and it's because of him I love sci fi to this day. He loved the old musicals, anything with Fred Astaire, Gene Kelly, Janet Leigh. He was a great dancer in his youth and could sing better than anyone else in our family.
Sometimes movies sparked very intellectual discussions, like 2001: A SPACE ODYSSEY or THE KING'S SPEECH. I remember him talking about what it was like to hear King George actually give that speech when my father was a boy in school. He said they stopped everything and broadcast it over the address system for all the children to hear.
He always had something to say about a movie, and it was always interesting, even if he hated it. *LOL*
I miss watching movies with my dad, mom too, but today is Father's Day so I'm thinking about him.
I wish I could remember the last movie we watched together, but I don't. I do remember watching STAR WARS with him when I was 9. We were at the drive in and he let me sit up front with him and mom so I wouldn't miss anything.
Good times.
Well, I miss you Dad. Wish you were here so we could go to the movies together.
Happy Father's Day!