There is a list called THE BLACKLIST and it's an annual listing of all "most liked" screenplays not yet produced, based on a survey of studio's and production company executives.
I'm not on it, yet!
That said, I decided it was time to make a listing of all my ideas in progress, mostly because it's easy to lose track if they are not all in one place.
So, went through all the computer files and so far MY list is 124 long. That includes features, shorts and webseries ideas.
I'm guessing that Alexander (my Muse, if you remember from the previous blog (click "my Muse" to take you to the page)), was working over time over the years and most of these ideas are from the 2000's. I say most, meaning over 90% of them.
Why haven't I worked on all of them? Well, sheer volume is part of the problem. Also, over the years, I've had jobs and a social life, neither of which I have at the moment. But who needs a social life when you're an aspiring writer? Not me, apparently. As for a job, well, disability means I have more time to write! Right?
(Don't think I don't have friends, because I do, but they are busy busy busy people, some of them live far away and frankly none of us is inclined to spend money going out, so we do most of our socializing at one of our homes; cheaper and the food is better.)
But, I digress.
So, now that I have a partial list, I actually feel like I can make more progress. I have the time and the inclination and if I can motivate Alexander to do some work, lazy sod that he is, I can really start banging out scripts...hell, if I can get my first sale and it does well, then it's easier to sell another. Kind of like exercising, the more you do, the more you CAN do.
I have so many titles and I need to update some of my other web site pages, but frankly I'm leery of posting too much. You can't copyright an idea, just a finished property.
So, 124 at last count.
Anyone need a screenwriter?
I'm for sale!

Ciao bella!