Every time I get a new idea, I start by jotting down whatever flash it is that gets my motor running; a dream snippet, song lyric, whatever.
Well, I can't say what it was that made me think up THE WHITE BOX TEST ... but I did. So started with notes.
What's the premise, who are the people, what's the situation, and so on.
Sometimes I draw pictures, if needed, and in this case I felt a diagram of the set was needed.
Part of the premise of this project is the puzzle room, which I am fascinated by. One of my favourite movies is 13 GHOSTS, where a family is locked in a weird house that is essentially a maze, but with horrific malignant ghosts that are able to interact with living humans. It's an awesome film, if you haven't seen it, and it awakened something in me that I had forgotten I enjoyed; puzzles, living puzzles that require both dexterity and brain power.
Anywho, I was discussing this idea with Red yesterday and since Red is my resident horror/thriller expert, it was recommended I look into the following films; DREAD, MONKEY SHINES, and 13 GAME OF DEATH. All of these films deal with experiments on people with rage, puzzle rooms, the like.
Red also asks the questions, the right ones, that help me find the meat of the matter, such as "What is each person's motivation?". It's true, each character has to have a vested interest in their actions.
So perhaps I should start with the characters; name them, give them a back story, find the reason they are in the situation, know who they are before I dump them into this morass of emotions.
See, even writing this makes my brain start turning and the hamster start running in his little wheel. First I will find out who these people are, then I will find out why they are there, then I will torture them *lol*.
Maybe I'll go kick my muse, Alexander, and get him to work a bit. Lazy asshole!
I feel like such a puppet master!