This little wordslinger (see what I did there?) is ready for hire and I have a message for you.
In indie film, we need to help each other to help ourselves.
We all need each other to make films; writers, actors, producers, directors.
And if you are like me, on the outside looking in, and are bemoaning the fact that you aren't getting the opportunities to show what you can do, then just do it! Make your own movie.
That's right. I said it.
And if you don't write, then find a writer, like me, who is also looking for a chance, to work with.
Don't worry if they are the best, because there is a lot of talent out there, just waiting to be discovered. But you know you that, don't you, because YOU are also waiting to be discovered.
I am always on the lookout for collaborators, someone who is interested in giving me an opportunity.
The biggest problem is, where do you find these fine folks to work with?
Everywhere. We are everywhere and we are legion!
Don't worry about what their favourite genre is. If you are looking for a writer, most of us will and can write anything we put our minds to, with guidance.
I recently tweeted to a disabled actor who was bemoaning the fact that disabled actors don't get the parts of disabled people in films. He was upset that he wasn't getting a chance, and thus couldn't prove himself.
I suggested he make his own film. I suggested he find a writer to help him write whatever story he wanted. Find a writer that is also looking for a chance to prove themselves.
I don't have a reply from him yet, but I hope to. I hope he hears me. And I hope all of you hear me too.
Everyone deserves a chance.
If you are a director, producer, actor who is even a little established, and you are frustrated by the lack of opportunity, then MAKE YOUR OWN OPPORTUNITY! It really is as simple as that.
Making a movie is as easy as picking up your cell phone, and shooting it.
But, you need a script, a director (if you aren't one), actors (if you aren't one) and a producer (if you aren't one) and just do it.
Now I can hear your next question; if "just do it" is the answer, then why haven't you Miss Unicorn, done it?
Well, because I can't find anyone else in my area who is willing to work with me. Does that make me a bad writer? No, it means I'm still looking for my opportunity.
So, get the word out about what/whom you are looking for; writer, director, actor, producer, etc. Post it to Twitter, get people to retweet it, post it to Facebook, get it shared. At some point, someone will respond.
Or, alternately, you could actively search free script hosting sites for writers you like. Read their work, it's free. And contact them about working with them.
Stop waiting for them to call you. Start looking for a writer to help you get noticed. It's easier than you think.
I'm primarily a writer. So, it's harder for me to find actors, directors, producers who are starting out like myself.
Writers are gathered in places like www.scriptrevolution.com and www.scriptmother.com . Do a Google search for other free script hosting websites.
Oh, and one more thing.
RETWEET THIS BLOG POST! Get the word out, so we can get the words out!
Happy hunting!